Dear Friends,
Praying you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! Even if you did not celebrate this American holiday this week, we encourage you to take a moment to say out loud what you are thankful for. In spite of so many struggles and tragedies in our world today, we are a beyond blessed people!!!
What an incredible summer we had! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen, by participating in a GO Team, by your generous financial support, by encouraging us with note and messages, and of course, by praying.

In June/July we had an amazing time in Exeter, England with St. Thomas Baptist Church (middle picture). In August/September we worked in St. Ives, Cornwall with Zion Community Church (top picture). Towards the end of September, we were in Portree, on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland, working with Xcel Church (bottom picture). The Lord continued to amaze us with His work, everywhere we went, and by allowing us to be a small part of what He is doing!!
These pictures remind us of God’s faithfulness. Getting this many people together from different locations and seeing God faithfully knitting a team into “the Body” always surprises and blesses us. Glory to God for the Unity of His Spirit within His people!

In October we literally adjusted back to being home again, and not living out of a suitcase. In November we took our family trip to the Ark and Creation Museum in Kentucky and saw our long-time friends, Ken & Mally Ham. What a great ministry and work is happening there in these locations, and all over the world. We are so grateful to the Hams for their ministry and their team, who have made such an impact in this culture. What stood out to us particularly, on this recent visit, was how important it is for us not to under-mine the authority of God’s Word, the Bible. It is our only absolute Truth and our guide for this journey through Life and into the next.

Already we are planning for next summer – please be praying about it. Might the Lord be calling you to step out of your comfort zone, to take the Gospel of Jesus to someone who may never have heard this amazing, life changing, good news?
The Lord continues to fill our hearts with passion for His Word and His Gospel. He also gives us strength to continue to serve Him. As we approach another Christmas of activity and celebration, may we continually choose to be intentional about every opportunity that God gives us, each day, to share His love, His goodness, and His salvation message. Let’s not waste a day. There’s more at stake here, than just another good laugh with friends at another good party.
Please read Romans 1:16-17 carefully. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For IN IT the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘But the righteous man shall live by faith.’ “
We thank God for you and rejoice in your friendship. You have been instrumental in this ministry God has given us. Thank you. May your hearts be filled with joy as you approach the celebration of Christmas. May you “grow and learn and be used” through this time, and not just “survive” it. God has a plan. We need to pay attention.
Every blessing in Christ,
Wyatt & Vicki Gwin